Monday, September 5, 2011

A Melancholy Weekend Recap

This whole weekend has been spent in a drunken drug induced haze.  I knew Friday morning that I was getting sick.  I just felt it.  I took a little concoction of Kelsie’s medicine and about a tsp {which was all that was left} of some of ours..which just happened to be a PM edition of cold relief.  It helped but boy was I sleepy.  By Friday night I was so ready for some medicine I couldn’t wait to get to Target.  I got my trusty Mucinex D and Nyquil plus Tropicana OJ the stuff that has pulp and 120% of your daily value per cup.  I took the Mucinex before we got out of the parking lot good.

That night I went to bed and woke up on my own 5 hours later for another dose of Nyquil.  I woke up on Saturday morning and took my normal pill on top of the Mucinex and after about 30 minutes I felt like I was drunk!  It was such a strange out of body experience.  I just felt like crud.  Luckily Zack took care of everything and made dinner {lasagna} and picked up around the house.  I laid in the recliner wrapped up with my pillow and quilt and orange juice.  Went to bed early and woke up several times for my next doses on Nyquil.

Sunday morning I took my med and Mucinex again…the funky drug drunkenness took over once again.  Zack and the girls spent hours watching Dragon Ball Z on tv.  He has the girls hooked on the show and since they aren’t showing new episodes he is streaming them from a website through his PS3.  I spent most of the day in my recliner with the quilt and orange juice.

By Sunday afternoon I felt a lot better.  I am coughing now which I hope don’t last very long.  I managed to dust the house and wash one load of clothes and one load of towels.  I folded and put the clothes away the towels are still in the dryer.  I’m hoping that the girls will fold them up and put them away. {fingers crossed} Zack cooked dinner again {bbq sandwichs} and gave the ferret a bath and cleaned out her cage. 

This long weekend has been nothing but dreary because of Tropical Storm Lee.  We have had wind and rain off and on since Saturday.  It’s been nice though so that I could just lay in the dark house and nap off and on while trying to get better.  Yet I still sorta wished it would have been sunny so that the kids and Zack could have gone outside.  Oh well there’s always next weekend!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

Glad you are starting to feel better! And, what a nice husband :o)