Friday, August 5, 2011

Finish That Project Now!

Ok, we have exactly 17 days until school starts back and I am going to be a busy bee working in my hive trying to get getting projects finished.  Tonight we are going to get a new sander and dry wall compound so that I can do these things. 

Number one on the list is taking the rest of the kitchen cabinet doors down.  Yes, if you have been reading this blog forever then you’ll know that I have yet to finish our kitchen.  No excuses.  Or at least none that are really legit.  Anyways.  I will be taking them down in the morning, sanding those suckers all by the end of the day and having Zack get them ready for the new hardware.  Sunday I hope to get them painted, at least one coat and the rest of the cabinet painted and ready for them after their second coat to be installed.

Number two on the list is getting the rest of Kayla’s room finished.  Her room has been painted completely.  But, we are lacking the shelves on the wall and a few other things. I will give you a sneak peek as to what the color is. :-)

june 2011 017

And that exact corner is the corner that’s getting those book shelves. 

That’s my two projects that I have to get finished in 17 days.  Shouldn’t be all that hard.  IF I put my mind to it. 

I want to be able to focus on a few new projects after school starts back.  This is the reason behind getting these things done now.  Wait, I take that back.  The reason that I want these done before school starts back is I am ready for them to just be done!

I will share pictures of the kitchen before and afters as well as Kayla’s room as soon as they get finished.  If it goes according to my plan, the kitchen will be done first!

Wish me luck!  Have you ever let a project go unfinished? 


Kelli W said...

Good luck! I have like 15 unfinished projects laying around my craft room is a diaster right now!

Kelli said...

Girl, I have SO many unfinished are not at all alone. You just have to do it and it will feel SO great after you're done. I just read a good blog post on painting cabinets:
This is our Spring project because the paint is so chipped. Good luck!

Nichole said...

I still have a few things to cross off my list too before school starts. I'm ready for things to just be done too!