Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Banana Hair Mask

My hair is dry.  My hair has split ends.  And my hair is frizzy!  I started searching the internet for hair masks/leave in conditioners, etc.  I found a lot of honey/olive oil or egg/olive oil mixtures.  Then I found where a lady used a banana/egg and I decided, heck I’ll just combine them all!  And you know something, it worked out well.
  • 1 medium to large banana
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Mash the banana with a fork until it’s all mush.  Whisk up the egg and then add all ingredients to a food processor or blender.  You can also use your hand mixer. {I did that}
Apply to dry hair, cover with a shower cap or you could use a grocery sack.  Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse and wash hair like you normally would.  If your banana isn’t completely mashed up, you will have tiny pieces of banana left in your hair after you wash it.  However, you could also buy a large jar of banana baby food.  It would work just the same. 
You could also try washing your hair and then applying the mask like a normal conditioner, leaving on for 30 minutes and then rinsing.
Either way, I did it and really like the results.  I can see myself doing this weekly.  Or how ever often we have an over ripe banana on the counter. :-)

1 comment:

Miller Racing Family said...

Fabulous idea. Thanks for sharing the summer heat is killing my hair.