I have time to reflect on things from the past week or things that are coming up. I have time to think about what all I want to do that week or that needs to be done.
Right now I’m worried about our air unit. I think that she’s on her last leg. We had to have a part replaced last Fall that seemed to fix the problem we were having. However, now it seems we have a whole new problem. Our unit isn’t really “old”. I don’t consider 11 years that old, really. Not for something you spend so much money on. But, as of Monday we have got to get somebody to come and look at it. It’s been blowing out warm air when it first kicks on. Now I understand blowing out the warm air that has gathered in the vents while the unit was off, but it seems every afternoon around 3 or so that it blows out enough warm air, long enough to make the temperature in the house go up a degree and sometimes two! So, instead of it sitting continuing to do this we are going to get it looked at and pray that it’s only a part. We have money in savings but it’s for our vacation to Indiana. I really don’t want to have to use that money because Zack said he wasn’t sure we’d be able to go up if that happens. This would have been my, Kayla, and Kelsie’s first trip up and Zack’s first trip in about 10 years. So I think we’re all gonna be upset.
I have also got to sit down sometime this weekend and figure out a Summer budget. There are so many wonderful pluses about working in the school system. And so far I’ve only found one down fall….I don’t get a Summer paycheck. So we’re back to living on Zack’s income until mid August.
I worked on Kelsie’s Kindergarten book last night. You can see the one I made for her Pre-K year, here. This, I think is the best way to keep all the art, school work and report cards in one combined place. I was working on her cover for it last night and come up with this….
I have never made any books for Kayla like this because I didn’t know anything about it until last year. As soon as I finish Kelsie’s book, I am going to pull out all of Kayla’s work through out the years {since Pre-K} and figure out what size binders I will need. I threw away a lot of her stuff since I didn’t have the space for it, only keeping sentimental art and work. However, her 6th grade year will be all intact.
I also will need to look for a binder holder. I think they used to make one that was sort made out of wire but it held binders, so that you could stack them. {I think} But, after I get all of Kayla’s, I’m gonna definitely need some place to store them all.
Well, the girls are up and my coffee cup is empty. Gonna go and get the day going. They want to get in the pool today, so I’ve got to do a temperature check first.
Have a great weekend!
Consider HVAC systems aging in "dog years". Eleven is pretty old but it still could go a little while. Industry life figures for your system are 10-15 years. Do NOT forget to call Mike before you buy anything. We could get a part at cost and ship it for cheaper.
a kindergarten book is so cute! your girls will certainly treasure all that you do!
I'm clingy too :) Oh no, not the Indiana trip. I hope the AC is OK not just because I'll miss you but because that's a headache. Look at my Kelsie...her hair is SO long.
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