I don’t really have a “Wordless Wednesday” this week. Of course to be quite honest, I don’t have one a lot of Wednesdays. Usually when I have planned on posting a picture, I feel the need to explain it all and write a whole post. With that being said, I’m going with bullet hole Wednesday. But no guns and actual bullets were involved. :)
- A while back I posted all about coffee and my search for the best regular coffee. I’ve tried a few that was suggested to me. Starbucks Café Verona – LOVE this. It’s bold and rich and very flavorful for regular coffee. Dunkin Donut Original Roast – This was good, but it didn’t knock my socks off. Folgers Columbian Roast – This is what we have now, so far I really enjoy it. It doesn’t leave a funky after taste and it’s rich and yummy.
- The tooth fairy visited Kelsie last night. She has lost her 3rd tooth now. It’s so hard to believe that she won’t be six for 3 more months and she’s already lost teeth. I don’t remember when I started losing baby teeth but Kayla was well into first grade. It’s so sweet to see a toothless grin but sad at the same time because she’s growing up.
- Last night. Wow, what can I say about last night other than it was a whirlwind of emotions. After last night I am very certain that I am a little if not a whole lot depressed. Or at least just flat out stressed. Let’s just say there was a lot of tears shed by me. I just really wanted my momma. I sat in the bottom of Kelsie’s closet and cried and cried. Kelsie came in and started patting me on my back, telling me it was going to be alright. She waited until the right moment and wriggled her way into my lap, put her arms around me and told me that it’s alright. I told her thank you for comforting me, she said “anytime my friend”. My heart melted. She is the sweetest and most caring little girl. Needless to say she stayed with me until I was alright and then made me get up and sit with her on the couch while we watched Olivia. She said it would cheer me up because Olivia is funny. Gotta love that girl!
- On a happy note…I am going to Minnesota. I got an email the other day and I was invited to the 2011 Box Tops University at the General Mills headquarters in Minneapolis. I am stoked! I won’t be there long enough to do anything other than this event, but it didn’t matter to me, I am just so excited to get an invite. This is only my second blogging event invite. I don’t really count Disney’s Social Media Moms in 2010 because there were SO many people invited AND because we had to pay, it was deeply discounted but we still had to pay. My first event was Kayla and I for Crayola. If you haven’t read that, you can do so here.
- Kayla’s birthday is coming up in 8 days. We aren’t having a party for her because for some reason parities in the Summer are a bust. Everybody already has their plans and it seems making time for a birthday party isn’t in their plans. So we are going to take her out to eat and I am going to get the stuff to redo her bedroom. Or get her a camera. I haven’t really decided which yet. She wants both and we aren’t going to do both. I’ll have to keep thinking on that one. If you were turning 12 which would you want? Your room made over or a camera? She wants both.
So that was my bullet hole Wednesday. Haha. It’s time for me to finish my coffee, make beds, empty the dish washer and prepare for the day. The girls and I are planning on hanging by the pool!
Grant won't be 6 until August and he has already lost 4 teeth...and he has a few more wigglers:) Henry wasn't this early losing teeth either. Yay for a blogging trip! I want to go to one too! I think I would want the room first because girls spend a lot of time in their rooms as teenagers.
I'm going to the Box Tops University too! YEAH! :)
Crystal @ www.survivingateacherssalary.com
Interesting! Sounds like you are going to have so much fun at the Box top thing :)
Thanks for sharing your exercise tips with me-- I have an elliptical at my parents house, but to drive there just to work out makes me feel like staying home and opening a bag of potato chips, haha!
Bless your heart. I felt the same way about Trey losing his teeth. He will be six next week and has lost 8 teeth. Let's just say I wasn't prepared. I loved the comment about that is alright my friend, how sweet.
Hope all is well with you all.
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