Skin infections…Yep. YUCK! What I thought was a spider bite turns out to be a nasty skin fungus infection. My aunt {who is also a nurse praction} is treating it like a ring worm. YUCK! It has itched worse than anything I think I’ve ever ever had before. I have some steroid cream that I have to rub on it twice a day and keep it covered up with a band aid, mainly to keep me from scratching it. But mainly I don’t want anybody to SEE IT! Nope, sorry ya’ll no pictures. I know that I got it from one of those kids in school, I just don’t know of anybody that has ring worm. I do hope though that I NEVER have this again nor do I hope any of the kids get it!
Shopping. Yep. I am in the mood for some fall clothing and I turned to my favorite store, Old Navy. =-) Since I’m working I need more pieces to wear than just a few shirts. So I am building on it. This is what I ordered…
I have this same shirt style in the black and white plaid and I love it!! It’s super cute with a pair of jeans. However I plan on pairing it with this…
A cute blue jean skirt. Not too short, but not too long. And the perfect length to wear with these….
Yes…those are leggings. I have not had a pair of leggings since I was in elementary school. However, I fell in love with this next item and had to get leggings for it. Then I thought “oh, those would be cute with that skirt and shirt too!”.
Ahhh. Be still my heart. This tunic is TOO cute! Pair it with leggings and flats and I am super excited to see some fall breezes!!
I also picked up two more white cami’s because I wear them under everything. {almost} Most shirts aren’t long enough and I find throwing a cami under it, perfecto!
I looked for Kayla some long sleeves, but nothing! I think I’m gonna have to go to Pier Park for her. Maybe check in Justice or JCPenny’s.
However, I did pick up Kelsie a black velour jump suit because I love these things! The girls each had one last year and they loved them. Kelsie grew out of hers so I thought, why not get her another one. They are perfect for grocery store trips or sick days with visits to the dr.
I also picked up Kelsie a new coat. Which she desperately needed.
Yea, I know! It’s adorable. I can’t wait until she wears it this winter!
Kayla wants a Peacoat, which who can blame her, I LOVE mine! I’m gonna take her to Kohls here soon so she can find one that fits perfectly. Mine’s a bit on the larger side. Zack got it for me for Christmas last year.
Anywho…that has been pretty much my hump day. Here’s to Thursday!
My oldest is reading so well on his own this year and it is so nice! There is such a huge change from first learning in Kindergarten to actually reading in 1st grade! You got some really cute stuff at Old Navy! I love the blue jean skirt and it will be so cute with the leggings underneath it:)
Oh how cute those outfits are...I bought a dress simaliar to the tunic you order from childrens place and will pait it with some leggings for Lexi with boots we also got...I love online shopping so much better now that I can figure out what sizes to buy.
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