Ideas that can make a crafter smile from ear to ear like the Joker! I got the latest issue of PB Kids the other day and I see some ideas that I will be using around here. I can’t wait to get to crafting!
Do you see that awesome table cloth? I am so going to make something similar to this. It looks so easy. Get an orange table cloth, find a template to a moon, haunted house, and a tree, print it out and use some black fabric….I can’t wait!
Aren’t these guys the cutest? I have got to figure out a way to make them. I will let you know after I’m done pondering!
This table runner is just like that table cloth. I have just the place to put it! I think that I can even get away without having to sew one stitch! I think. *smiles*
Love this spiders web runner {there is also a table cloth}. I think that this can be made with paint on black fabric. Maybe this table runner and then the orange and black table cloth. Hmmm.
Glitter spiders, oh my! My version wouldn’t be so big, I don’t think. I’ll have to look and see what’s out there to buy, but as soon as I saw these I thought of those spider rings, with the ring part cut off and then the spiders glittered! There will be spiders crawling around for sure!
So, these photos are from Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn Kids. They would be easy to recreate for your own home for a lot less. I am definitely going to deck out for Halloween this year. I can’t wait! It is the 2nd day of September too. I am thinking about bringing out my fall decorations! I was trying to wait until next week, but the long to see those colors are weighing pretty heavy on my mind!
Don’t forget to get your recipes ready to link up with tomorrow!! What’s For Dinner Thursday!
Oh how I love PB!!! I got the PBK in the mail and immediately threw it away because I can never afford anything. BUT you're right, I could use it for inspiration. Thanks and good luck with your decorations. I can't wait to see.
I always love the PB catalog. They do have the cutest things for inspiration.
Oh, and I do think I heard my fall decorations trying to get out of their box in the garage the other day!!! I'm trying to hold off but I don't know how much longer before I get it all out!!! Also, we are usually hotter than hot right now but we have had unseasonably cool weather. Lows in the 60's and highs in the mid to low 80's. It has been wonderful.
I got my Pottery Barn catalogs yesterday and love them. They always get my decorating juices flowing. I've also been dying to get started with Fall decorating. It's cooling down here and its definitely in the air. Gonna deck out for Halloween this year too. Can't Wait!!
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I have the table runner, and I LOVE it!!! Halloween is so much fun!
Okay, once you figure out how to make those little pumpkin guys you've got to post a tutorial! They are so cute! I love those Halloween plates too!
I'm really excited to decorate for Halloween this year. It's weird because I think last year is the first time I've put up more than one or two decorations!
The glitter spiders are definitely do-able!
I think I need to subscribe to Pottery Barn..I did the kids but not the everyday stuff. Looks like they have lots of cute things...Love the spiders...I am a creepy sort of
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