Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Momma….

I write this letter to you today to wish you a Happy Mothers day.  Although you are no longer physically here, you are with me spiritually.  There isn’t one day that goes by that I don’t think about you.  And there isn’t one week that has past since October that I haven’t dreamt of you.  I enjoy your visits in my dreams.   For some odd reason I know that your just visiting and it just makes your visits all the more special.
This is going to be a hard day today as I celebrate my own being a mother but I will be celebrating with a heavy heart.  As I miss you so much.  
This is the first Mothers Day that I haven’t picked out a card to give to you or given you a call.  It’s the first time that I haven’t frantically shopped trying to decide what you’d like best.  Even though I know that whatever I would get you, you would always be happy with. 
Thank you for being the mother that would do any and everything for me and always tried to make me happy no matter what.  Thank you for going without for yourself so that I would have what I wanted.  Some people may call it spoiled, but I saw how self less you were and it has made me a better mother because of this.
Thank you for raising me to know God.  You made sure I was at church from the early age of 3 (maybe earlier, this is as young as I remember).  You made sure that we went every time the door was open until I was in high school.  You gave me the relationship that I have with God now. 
Thank you momma for everything you have done for me to make me the person I am today.  I will always love you and miss you until the day we are together again.
Love Your Daughter…… Joanna


Kelli said...

She sounds like a great lady Joanna. Remember those times with her, they sound precious.
And Happy Mother's Day to you!

Elise said...

Oh my gosh...that was little sad. I hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day otherwise.

Amanda said...
