We arrived after waiting in a line of traffic turning into the resort. There were 3 other parties going on at the same time. Very busy and crowded place. We paid the $5 to have Valet parking! Let me just say that if you have never had valet parking, you should! Especially when the weather is nasty out. You pull your car under the thing (what a technical term), and then you get out, pay them and go in the building…When you come out, you just give them the little ticket they run like mad to get your vehicle and like magic it’s there and warmed up for you! Wonderful I tell you. (as if you didn’t know what valet parking was all about) *smiles*
At the party we sat at a table full of wonderful people. I conversed with them all. If you know me then you know that this is out of the ordinary…I am not a people person and happen to be very shy! But I sat and carried on a conversation with several of the ladies that we sat with. It was just a lot of fun..And the food…Oh my! The steak was the best I have ever had….
And now I am sure you’d like to see the pictures…Right? Well we didn’t take the camera with us, but I did get pictures before we left the house…
And here is one of me by myself…Out of three pictures that were taken…I thought that this next one turned out the best…For me at least, Zack looked well a little strange so I just cropped him out…And waala…A new Myspace profile picture! *smiles*
Today…Lot’s of pictures…a birthday party and a trip to see Santa….So, I will post them all tomorrow!
Sounds like a fun night, you 2 are so adorable. Love that dress!
Great pictures of y'all. Love your dress...so CUTE! I'm glad you had such a good time and your conversation was flowing!
Such cute photos of you two! And I love your dress, it is so pretty!
How cool! Ok... the picture of you I had in my head was totally different. How could I mess that up? You both are so cute together!!! :)
Glad you had fun and were all Ms. Conversational. Congrats on the bravery there... perhaps this bloggy thing is helping pull you out of your shell!
Great pics
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