Thursday, July 12, 2012

What do you Read after Finishing a Series!? My Life Pretty Much Ends!

I used to not be a reader.  As a matter of fact, I hated reading in school.  And To this day I guess because I wasn’t a reader I am really picky when it comes to reading so when I run across something that catches my attention I read it from the time I get up until the time I pass out in the bed, with it sprawled out across my chest.  I love getting lost in a good book, but for me they are far and few between, very hard to find.
My first series that I couldn’t put down was Harry Potter. Yea, yea, juvenile fiction.  I was hooked from the moment that Harry Potter was talking to Hagrid.  What life would be like if that world existed?!  Oh the wonder and joy of kids that got to experience it.  How awesome it would have been.  Sorry, I’m getting lost in Hogwarts! ;-)

When I finished the last book, as least I still had the movies to look forward too!  Then they ended and I was lost.  I went to the library searching shelves for something to catch me eye and well it never did. I didn’t think to search the internet to find something that was similar.  And to be honest, I’m not sure I wanted too. 
One day we were at the library, a few years back when Kayla needed to look up something for school.  I decided to just scan through some fiction books and whatdayaknow?  I picked up a book by an author named Jennifer Crusie, titled Tell Me Lies, and after reading the back cover decided that it might be pretty good.  We came home, I started reading and had it read in 2 days.  After that I went back to the library checked out all her books over the course of the next month, ordered a few from Amazon that our library didn’t have and couldn’t get and finished all her books and had even preordered the next one coming out.  Then I felt lost.  Nothing to read.

The Twilight series came about while reading the last few of the Jennifer Crusie books and it was good.  But, I wasn’t the first to read it.  Kayla was the one to want it after hearing her friends talking about it.  I started right after her but quickly jumped ahead.  Good thing too, because that last book, well she just turned 13 and I still won’t let her read it.  It’s a little too racy.  I’m trying to protect her! The movies came out and happiness was once again restored in my not a reader mind.

The Hunger Games was the last series that Kayla started reading, yet again, before me.  Once again, she had heard about them from her friends at school.  I saw the trailer to the movie and decided that I had to read the books, asap.  Which I did.  After that I decided that I HAD to find books like them.  I got online and used Google and come up with lot’s of resources.  Who knew just searching for “books like blank” would uncover a whole list of authors and titles!?  Well, I didn’t.  I decided to go with the series Divergent.  Kayla had gotten a Kindle Fire for her birthday and I downloaded it and read it within a couple of days.  I didn’t get hooked like I did The Hunger Games and still not sure I will read the 2nd book.  Which Kayla already has.  She said that it was really good. 

Then the last series that took the whole Earth by storm, Fifty Shades….Ahhh, Christian Grey….swoon.  Anyways.  I read them quick, downloaded all 3 to my Kindle Fire within a week and had them read.  Wow.  Wow.  Wow.  I mean Jennifer Crusie has some sex scenes, more modest, nothing trashy, but NOTHING compared.  Wow.  That was one series that I was HORRIFIED was over.  Yes, to me, they were that good.

4th of July weekend my brother and sister n law came down from Bama to visit.  We went to Sam’s and while there I saw a book sitting on the end cap with the Fifty Shades books that looked SO FREAKING similar it was so hard not to pick it up and see what it was all about.  Well I came home and searched on Amazon, and it wasn’t hard to find it since it’s on the NY Best Selling list.  Bared to You, pictured below.  It said if you liked Fifty you’d love it.  I sampled it, and was intrigued by the growing similarities between to two.  Almost too much alike.  I downloaded it to my Kindle and read it in 2 days.  Wow.  If you are missing Fifty, this is definitely the next series to read.  Trust me!  But, I will say that it’s SO close to the same story line.  Girl meets high profile billionaire under thirty hottie.  By falling, none the less.  And then the story goes kinda side by side a lot.  But that was ok with me.  Because I was looking for something like that.  It’s what I needed to come down from my Christian Grey high. :-)  And the 2nd in the series comes out in October…Oh boy, something to look forward to reading!
Again, I am lost.  So what the heck do I like to read?!  Juvenile fantasy, romance, sci-fi romance, not even sure what you’d classify The Hunger Games, and erotica?!  I’m so confused and lost.  I am once again searching for something to read.  Something similar to Fifty Shades, I supposed, but again, I don’t know.
But, I do know what I have been reading daily, and that’s the news for the Fifty Shades movie.  Hello?!  How in the world are they gonna put that into a movie that’s rated R?  I can’t wait to see what they come up with.  But then again they did make Monsters Ball and that was one sex scene after the next.  Heck, I don’t even remember the story line!  Anyways.  So what do you end up doing after reading a series?

1 comment:

Miller Racing Family said...

I am with you, I use to not be a reader but now I find it so relaxing. I don't read series, just random books. I just finished what every chrisitan ought to know and it was fabulous.
Hope your summer is going great.