In January, Kayla got lice {the not so great part of 2010}, we treated and cut her hair. Thankfully that was all that was needed.
In February we did a couple of firsts. It was my first blogging conference, Disney Social Media Moms and it was also our first trip to Disney World. It was such a magical place that we vowed we would go back every year. And we are going in March this year!! We already have our hotel booked. Can’t wait!
In March I made my first trip to Publix and used coupons. For my first trip I did fabulous! I couponed for several months following and then stopped. However this is something that we are picking back up this year. Our first grocery shopping trip this year, I used coupons! Here’s to a year of savings!
In April I really started using Photoshop to edit my photos. I learned a lot! This was the beginning of taking lot’s of photos of the girls and editing them. This year I plan on doing even more. I may not have an SLR, but many have told me that my pictures look like they came from a fancy $$ camera. This is just thanks to my sweet editing skills. ;-)
In May I got the chance to meet a blogging friend of mine, Kelli from Outside my Kitchen Window. She is absolutely fabulous! My girls and her kids got along great. Too bad we don’t live closer. Oh well this just means that when we head up this year to Indiana that we will def. meet up with them! And I can’t wait until they come back down to FL so we can hang out again.
In June Kelsie graduated Preschool, Kayla turned 11 and I found my love for the beach. It was then we started going to the beach almost every weekend or so.
In July we went to my brothers house in Alabama and went out on the boat. The girls got to go tubing for the very first time and we all swam in the river. I’ll never forget it because I had fallen the night before and nearly broke my tail bone. Worst injury ever!! In spite of the pain I still had a fabulous time.
In August Kelise turned 5 and school started back. Kayla headed to 6th grade and Kelsie started Kindergarten. This is also when I went back to work after 6 years of not working.
In September football season started and we pulled for our Gators, regardless of our losses. And Zack also started his new job.
In October Kay and Amanda came down and we went to a pumpkin patch which was a bust! We bought pumpkins at Walmart and went to Miracle Strip at Pier Park. We came home and painted the pumpkins instead of carving them. Funny thing is, it’s January and they are still sitting on my front porch. :-)
In November we went to Alabama for Thanksgiving. We learned that the Power Band bracelet really does work and that Just Dance 2 on the Wii is the best game ever. We all boogied and shook our stuff! We ate way too much and then when we thought we couldn’t eat anymore Amanda and I went to the Pig and bought stuff to make apple cider and cookies. Best Thanksgiving ever!
In December we made our traditional trip to see the Christmas lights on Christmas Eve. The girls got way too much from Santa {as always} and Kelsie freaked over her 4 wheeler. Kayla was thrilled to see her flat screen tv that she has ask for all year long. We spent New Years in Alabama playing the Wii and dirty Santa, and eating too much white meat! The perfect way to ring in the New Year!!
What a fun year! Yay for going back to Disney! We are going in August this year:)
I made the review!!!! That was such a fun day and I can't wait to get together again. I just love you and your family and I'm so glad blogging brought us together. You had a great year...such happy times and fun memories.
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