Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday – Tornado Clouds?

july 2010 005

On our drive back home on Sunday we noticed that there was a very, very dark area up ahead.  Once we were into it, it was strange….we kept seeing those little peeks in the clouds like they talk about on the show Tornado Road. {The Weather Channel}  So we wondered if at any moment a tornado would drop down.  It was pretty scary to say the least.

For more Wordless Wednesday fun check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Miller Racing Family and Seven Clown Circus.


Jen said...

Wow- that does look pretty scary. What a great shot.

Happy WW!

Creative and Curious Kids!

Angelica said...

SCARY! But what a great pic you took!

Kelli W said...

Those are some pretty scary clouds! We drove through some major storms on our way home from vacation on Saturday too!

Mamí♥Picture said...

oh wow!! Love that shot!!
Have a Fabulous WW!

Miller Racing Family said...

Happy Wordless Wednesday!
What a beautiful photo. I bet that was pretty scary for you all. I have never been through a tornado and pray I never to do.
I am so happy you linked up this week and I hope you have a fabulous day!

Kelli said...

That is spooky! Great picture though.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

That is wild!