Monday, February 9, 2009

Understanding, Way Out of My Own Reach

I have been really upset since I read about Baby Cora's passing, my heart was crushed when I read the post yesterday.  My heart goes out to the family because I can never imagine what it would be like to lose a child.  (my heart goes out to any family that has lost a child)  I could never imagine the pain and suffering it must bring.  May God be with them in this time of healing.
What I don’t understand is why.  I never will because this is something that we don’t comprehend.  Everything is God’s Will.  I just am at a loss as to why things like this happen.
Zack had just read a little bit about Baby Cora on Saturday night.  I had told him about her the day I was ask to make her button.  I visited daily to read the updates on her.  Praised when something went well and prayed harder when something wasn’t looking good.
When I told Zack that she had passed away, he said, and I quote “how can God give children to people like Caylee Anthony’s mother and others like her,  and then give a child to a family that is so caring and loving and wanted a child so much and then take that child away?”   I don’t know.  It’s something that I don’t understand and never will. 
We aren’t suppose to understand things like that or begin to try and understand them because we never will.  Baby Cora served her purpose in life whatever it was.  God called her home.  She is now pain free.
This is just something that has been on my mind since yesterday and I have thought about it in the past as well.  It’s just something that I can’t shake.
Am I the only one well besides Zack that feels this way?  And how do you cope if you have the same feeling?


Allison said...


I just wanted to say that I am also thinking about Baby Cora this morning and I am at a loss for words for the "why" in this loss. I pray for her parents to come out such a tragedy in one piece. I just want to leave work tonight and hug my girls even tighter.

Shannon said...

I was so sorry when I heard the news too. All I know is that God is Sovereign. I have no idea why something like this happens but I do know that God is the same God He was while she was alive and as He is now. Some questions will never be answered this side of heaven.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I understand the feeling Joanna! It is so hard to hear about children being abused when there is a beautiful baby girl who's family is heart-broken right now.

There are answers.. Saddly.. we don't know them.. She was here for a reason, and perhaps not supposed to be here for long... that doesn't stop the pain.. if it were my child... I can't imagine what I would do!

~hugs~ Keep your chin up... I am sure your little ones have something to show you in their smiles...

Scarlet O'Kara said...

Thank you for this post...

I have been so upset about Baby Cora...and wondering the same whys. Your post helped.