Friday, January 23, 2009

Laundry…..HA…I Laugh in the Face of Laundry!

Well in reality, I really avoid it as much as possible.  I only do laundry about once a week.  I am beginning to think for a family of 4 this is not enough!  Mainly, for the reason I am sick of facing this once a week….
jan2009 086
*no small children were lost in this process*
Oh yea, it’s no joke!  This is laundry for 7 days for this family of 4!  Which includes towels and various bed linens.  I sat watching King of Queens and Yes Dear the other day while folding it ALL! 
jan2009 087 Ahhhh….Much better.  But the worst part is still to come.  What is it you ask?  Putting them away for course!  Kayla does her own (thank goodness)  As for Zack and I and Kelsie’s…Well two days later we are living out of our baskets that are sitting on the floor in our bedrooms.  They get put away on the day I do laundry again.
How do you all keep your laundry done?  Do you do small loads daily and fold them and put them away, so that it doesn’t get like that monster?  Or do you have a monster yourself?


Sherri said...

Well,I do about a load a day but fail at folding and putting away...
Where is that machine you talked about recently????:)

Darlene said...

Well, there are only 3 of us and we always seem to have that monster laundry pile also! I too hate to put the stuff away!

The creative housewife said...

there is only 2 of us! But I still have massive amounts of laundry! Idk where it comes from! *well lately I've also been washing alot of fabric* :) but I usually do laundry most of the day on Monday *all the laundry from the weekend* and then keep up with it through the week! Sometimes I will do it on Sunday but who wants to do laundry on the weekend? lol the dear hubby also put a closet rod above my washer and dryer so as soon as my clothes come out of the dryer I hang them up there and fold what doesn't get hung and put it in the basket on the washer and dryer and about every 2-3 days I try to put it all away.. believe me it doesn't always happen lol.... Good Luck to your mount laundermore!