Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Disney World Vacation Part 3

On Saturday which was day 3 of our vacation we went to Hollywood Studios.  This I will admit is not my favorite park.  There are three main rides that strike my fancy and they are packed most of the time.  Rockin Roller Coaster, Toy Story Mania and Tower of Terror.  Of course Tower of Terror is Kelsie’s favorite ride.
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Funny story….we were in line to ride Tower of Terror, got all the way to the door to load and Kayla freaked out.  She didn’t want to ride it, so she and I went down the elevator and waited at the exit.  When the picture of Kelsie and Zack popped up I was oohhing and ahhing over how brave she was.  She wasn’t looking at the camera but was turned to look at a scared little boy. HA!  Anyways.  The older gentleman that was writing down the numbers for the photos saw Kelsie and said something about us not riding it and Kayla said she didn’t want too.  He said in all his years working there he had never rode it either.  Long story short, he put Zack and Kelsie immediately back on the ride so that she could look at the camera!!  And he even gave her a pin!!  And so began our pin buying and trading.
In case you are unsure of the whole pin trading…you buy a lanyard and some pins and can trade with any cast member wearing pins.  Kelsie traded twice and Kayla once.  Kayla thought she was cool because she got a pin that has a hidden Mickey which are only given to cast members to trade out. 
We rode our rides at Hollywood Studios and while Kelsie and I were waiting on Zack and Kayla to ride Rockin Roller Coaster it broke down!  Which happened quiet a few times while we were there.  My cousin and her family were also there at the same time we were and it broke with them in line too.  Glad none of us were out on the track when that happened!!  Anyways, this is the night we actually went back to the hotel at a decent time, ordered pizza from our hotel, which was excellent and went swimming in our bowling pin shaped pool. :-)
Toy Story Mania
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Tower of Terror
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The kids got to meet Mike and Sully from Monsters Inc.  They were so great!  Imagine having to wear those costumes in the middle of Summer!! 
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They also got to meet a green man from Toy Story.  As well as Buzz and Woody! 
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It was so hot on this day.  Heck the entire vacation was hot, but on Saturday it was brutal.  We would hunt down any and all “sprayers” that we could find.  The kids found this one down from Toy Story Mania and we hung around there for quiet some time cooling off.
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As we were getting ready to head out we were walking by the Star Wars area and a Storm Trooper was out and about taking photos.  Since Zack loves Star Wars I told him to run and get in line and I’d snap a photo of him and the girls!
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Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

It's not my favorite park either. I think the only ride we went on was the Backlot Tour. I would NEVER get on Tower of Terror! I'm not sure why we didn't ride the Toy Story ride, and Im not sure about Rockin Rollercoaster. Does it go upside down? We didnt get to see Buzz, Woody, Sully or Mike either. It was ESPN The Weekend there when we went, there were athletes everywhere.

Miller Racing Family said...

Thank you so much for taking us along on your trip. I so want to go to Disney but I want to wait until Lila is a little older so she can enjoy it. I love the monster inc. photo.

Lori said...

We didn't get a chance to go to Hollywood Studios! Glad you shared your photos so I could see what we missed out on. Looks like a lot of fun :)