~ School officially starts on Wednesday! {Yikes} Where did the Summer go.
~ Kayla has middle school orientation tomorrow. She’s excited and nervous at the same time. I have the same feelings for her.
~ Kelsie will have a strange week. Wednesday {which is the first day of school}, she has orientation for an hour that morning and then she’ll come home. Thursday she’ll go to school like a normal day of school. Then on Friday she’s out. They are doing some soft of staggered Kindergarten start, that I am not fond of.
~ We finished shopping for school stuff this past weekend. All supplies, donations {paper towels and such}, new socks, shoes, pony tail holders etc have all been purchased.
~ I take my substitute teaching class next week. I would have already taken it but with a booty {bruised tailbone} injury I’ve been on my stomach for the past week or so. Can’t go in there and lay down to watch a video and take a test, that is for sure!
~ Our 5 year goal is underway. Zack and I have been working on a list of things that we need to accomplish within 5 years. So far so good. I can’t wait to be closer to family!
{I posted this picture and then realized that Amanda wasn’t it it, and I can’t leave her out!}
~ Is anybody else as ready for Fall as I am? I am ready for cool breezes, fall colors, warm apple cider, and lot’s of Gator football!
It is hard to believe summer is almost over with school starting up everywhere. I am DEFINITELY ready for Fall though!!!♥
Can't believe it's already time for school. But I'm like you, can't wait for fall! Except that Gator football part. Roll Tide :)
So ready for fall. It's my favorite season! Thanks for sharing your randomness!
I can't believe summer is almost over either! Praying that your girls have a smooth transition into the coming school year :)
I remember those little purple shoes from your visit, sniff. I can't believe my Kayla will be in middle school...she's so beautiful. I can't wait to see how Miss Kelsie loves Kindergarten. Here's to the 5-year plan and getting home. Ron and I have lots to accomplish as well.
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