This weekend was a whirlwind. Saturday I tried for over two hours to take a nap. Needless to say that “try” was the key word because it was unsuccessful to say the least. The kids were out in the driveway riding their scooters and bikes while Zack was sanding in the bathroom. {almost done} Everytime I would doze off the zooming of the tires would echo throughout the house and it would sound as though it were thundering. I finally ask them to come inside, bigger mistake because then it was giggling, talking and squealing that kept my eyes from shutting. I finally gave up and made a pot of coffee.
My mother n law went shopping because I was asked by her to help plan my sister n laws baby shower. They are pregnant with their first, it’s a boy. She’s due one day before Kelsie’s birthday. Although this is pretty exciting and I like the fact of double birthdays after his first one of course, I am apprehensive of the attention my child will get for the celebration. If you have read my blog long enough you would understand where I am coming from. And honestly I’m too lazy to pull up and link for you to read.
Anyways…back to the baby shower. We went with chocolate and baby blue with a touch of light green. Brandon {Z’s brother loves monkeys}, they got the cutest bedding from Sears with monkeys and these same colors so it was perfect! And the invites and what not are gonna look like this…
source: Tiny Prints
Then there are favor tags that will look like this…
I think that this fits the color scheme and theme perfectly. We have picked up a few things but did you know we can NOT find any stuffed monkeys?! I mean at all. Target, Walmart, Toys R Us and even Kohls, we’ve looked and can not find not even one. Of course clothes and blankets can be found in abundance at Target but no stuffed ones. We need at least one. Guess I’ll search around online.
Also, I can not find blue baby booties. I need a pair for belly shots that I am going to take for her. I will buy one of those frames with the mats and use it for her belly shot and the mat will be the sign in. I have looked everywhere for a pair and so has my mother n law! It’s enough to make you go crazy.
Also, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and ask something of y’all. The shower is late, 6pm as a matter of fact. Rebecca thinks since it’s at a dinner time we should serve dinner…however that can be pricey since there will be anywhere between 25 and 30 people invited…Zack and I were talking and he thinks serving heavy hors d’oeuvres would work. What do y’all think?
Anyways…I can’t wait until it all comes together, it’s gonna be a pretty awesome shower if I don’t say so myself. ; )
Sunday was a fairly lazy day, we went to Sam’s and that was about it. The kids played with Jafa from next door. I think he was here all day from about noon until 5:30. They played outside and then came inside and played on the Wii and then watched Toy Story 2 and ate popcorn. Just glad that nobody was fighting and that the kids were entertained!
Here’s to another week! And I still can’t believe April is almost gone.
How did you spend your weekend?
How about a sock monkey? I know you can make them. But don't look at me. LOL I'm so not the seamstress!
I agree with Sherri on a sock monkey. I'm sure you can get those on Etsy and they are just SOOOO cute! LOVE the invites. I think hors d'oeuvres would be fine.
We had a lazy, LAZY weekend. It rained all weekend and we just watched TV, played WII and read.
Yes, go with the appetizers...that should be filling and just fine. A full dinner would be too much and I don't think people would expect that. Those invites are adorable, good luck finding the monkeys. If I see something I'll let you know. We did a LOT of yard work this weekend...LOTS! Next weekend, rain so we'll probably be lazy.
Oh, I love your invites! And fun to visit your blog, too!
Oooo I love party time! I would def do appetizers...unless you price it and want to go with ole trusty hamburger and hotdogs :) may be just as cheap.
I am shocked about no stuffed monkeys...but even more shocked about the blue booties...really?! Thats crazy.
Weekend was awesome here - lots of sun and relaxation with friends. Always too short.
Heavy hors d’oeuvres sounds perfect-Like cream cheese and black olive sandwhiches and stuff-Inexpensive, good and filling!
I think it was nice your mother in law asked you to help with the party~ :)
We did a bunch of spring cleaning this weekend-It's going to be Christmas before we know it!
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