6 years doesn’t sound like it’s that long but we have grown so much as a couple, we have grown so much as friends, we have grown so much as parents. I know that we will continue to grow together.
Every year we learn something new as parents and as a couple. There are new challenges that are always awaiting us, waiting to sabotage. The statistics for a couple staying together are slim these days but we are going to beat the odds and remain together until we’re old and gray.
I look forward to the days with grandchildren and sitting on the front porch swing. I look forward to being together until the day one of us passes. This has been the best 6 married years of my life and this has been the best 8 years and counting!
Happy Anniversary {yesterday} Zack, I love you!
With every year that passes and you grow closer together it is a reason to celebrate! Marriage can be the most incredibly partnership and the happiest thing in life! Congratulations on one more year of togetherness!
And here's to many more. Enjoy your honey today!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Happy Anniversary!
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